Hey everyone, I recently had to get a new HDD because my old one crashed and the data isn't recoverable so I lost years of work. I will still be making music but it's going to take time to get every setting back that I used. I'm hoping to at least release a new song sometime next month but it could take longer. On the good news, I recently joined a band as the lead guitarist and we'll be playing a show soon! Just thought I'd throw this out there since I haven't updated anything in a while.
"Refreshing" in such a way can be helpful too! I do it purposely from time to time, just so all unnecessary things will be left behind because i forget to install them back meaning they weren't necessary.
"One does not accumulate, but eliminate. Perfection is not when nothing can be added but when nothing can be taken away." - That's how Bruce Lee put it :3
You'll get back even better, with less clutter and more quality, i'm sure of it!
I never even thought of doing that but it really does sound like a great way to freshen everything up. I think I'll do this from time to time and see what happens! Your comment is really the one that shines good light on this situation and it definitely helped me feel better over all about it. It was hard to accept that I lost everything in literally a second. I can at least learn from this and see the good side of things. So seriously, thank you a lot for taking the time to write this out because I feel like it would have taken much longer for me to "bounce back" from this!