Good track. Lots of great ideas in this track and it sounds "full". It sounds like you spent a decent amount of time and put thought into this song and it shows. You have a good sense of timing as well. Definitely an awesome track for your first upload. Definitely keep at it, man. I hear a ton of potential just from this song. I enjoy the mix of Dubstep and Metal songs with bands such as The Browning and Beyond All Recognition so I'm glad to hear this genre mix here on Newgrounds.
(This next part is not to discourage you from making music, I just want to point things out that I've noticed and some of it is just personal opinion / preference)
I did notice some of the panning of the instruments was to the extreme left or right channels and that usually isn't a good idea, I would say about +50% to each side is a good point up to +75% (Play with that percentage to find a mix you like) This is also goes with the symbol and tom panning, you could make it sound like each one is being played more to the left or right but not completely left or right.
It has quite an extreme change at 2:05 almost making it sound as if it's a new song all together. I would say slowly transition into a drastic change like that. (Opinion)
It sounds like the levels are all trying to overpower each other. On your DAW (Digital Audio Workshop), you will see the main sound level bar when you play the track. Try to make sure that bar is somewhere in the low yellow range (mid range if it's not colored). That's why there's some crackling in the audio at certain points. You could either turn the track down as a whole or during the loudest parts turn the audio down.
The crackling could also be from your raw guitar input (if you're using a real guitar to record those tracks). Check your input levels on those tracks in your DAW and on your interface (if you're using one that shows the input level) and adjust those to get a cleaner sound.
Other than that, great job and keep at it. Can't wait to hear the next song you put out.