Hey everyone, I just created a bandcamp page https://brokendreamsinparadise.bandcamp.com/ and it doesn't seem like the best way to get my music out there. Newgrounds has been my number one choice for uploading anything I create so if you guys enjoy my music, why not follow? I will keep posting more songs up as much as I can. Hopefully each one getting better. My newest song "Don't look down" in my opinion is my best yet and I still have vocals to add (Will be a lot of screaming) and I'm also going back to one of my other originals to do a re-recording. I have new equipment since I last did the song and I'm also ready to scream my lungs out at a microphone so just stay tuned and see which of my older songs I re-create.
Also, if anyone would like to check out my newest song you can find it here:
Warning: The beginning is very low and contains mostly bass. I was trying a new effect and if you're using headphones please watch your volume levels haha. Don't want any ears to bleed.